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Corporate Governance Report

Pursuant to section 3.10 of the German Corporate Governance Code

Corporate Governance (Photo)

HUGO BOSS is convinced that good and transparent corporate governance which adheres to German and international standards is a key factor in the Group’s long-term success. Corporate governance is therefore part of the shared values of HUGO BOSS and a requirement that extends to every area of the company. The Managing Board and Supervisory Board consider themselves duty-bound to secure the Group’s continuation as a going concern and sustainable value added through responsible corporate governance that is geared to the long term. HUGO BOSS wants to justify the trust placed in it by investors, financial markets, business partners, employees and the public, and continue to enhance the Group’s corporate governance.

In fiscal year 2014, the Managing Board and Supervisory Board closely examined compliance with the requirements of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC). As a consequence, it was possible to issue the declaration of compliance dated December 2014, which is included at the end of this report and published on the website of HUGO BOSS AG together with past declarations of compliance. Apart from the exceptions discussed below, HUGO BOSS AG complies with the recommendations of the Code as amended May 13, 2013 and, since its entering into effect, as amended June 24, 2014, published in the Bundesanzeiger [German Federal Gazette] on September 30, 2014. Details are contained in the following report by the Managing Board and Supervisory Board.

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